Osprey Websites is operated by Gilly Furse, a talented one-woman band with multiple skills in tech and graphics and a background in both the publishing industries (in London) and a high tech career (including expert systems applications and time with Microsoft in the USA).
Contact: gilly at ospreywebsites dot com.
Fees are based on hours to build, negotiated per project. Typically a 4-5 fixed page website (like this one) is a fairly modest cost. A more complex website with plug-ins, extensive SEO, dynamic pages, or one where I do the photography and content creation will cost proportionately more. If you let me know what you have in mind I can give you a price estimate.
Software Tools: I often build less complex websites in WordPress, which is now practically a full CMS (Content Management System) with plugins for almost any conceivable function. More complex websites I’ve built in Drupal. I’ve used Dreamweaver in the past, although with the improvement of CMS and increasing sophistication of the CSS layout language there are less reasons to use it now.
Content Tools: in addition to being a geek I’m an amateur photographer and fairly competent in Photoshop, so can do straightforward graphics. I’m a reasonable writer. We also can get your content out of almost any file format you have. I’m a kickass researcher and can round out your information using internet research if necessary.
The osprey logo is based on an image in the public domain:
Osprey bird in flight close up pandion haliaetus by Burton Robert, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Based on an original WordPress theme by code reduction; modified by Osprey Websites.